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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  December 27, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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temperature will just let the snow go away. >> it looks like we will get at least some snow saturday. maybe rain showers will knock some of the snow down later in the day . none of that right now. maryland's radar clear, dry weather continues tonight. clouds have been holding tough most of the day. a few sunny peaks. the high wind advisory just expiring. still it's going to be a gusty night with gusts still around 30 miles an hour in baltimore and easton. our big storm, e winds is moving further north but it's still blizzard like conditions up there in northen new england and through eastern canada, 30s here tonight around the baltimore area. we will talk about how things will dry. the latest on that storm that's coming up. >> for the latest forecast as we track the winter weather headed our way keep it here and down load the weather app, just head to abc and get
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the apf for your smart phone or tablet. the winter storm that blasted through the midwest and northeast didn't hit us but more snow is on the way for those area that have already seen a lot of snow. we have more onto problem that's just starting. >> reporter: just one day after a wicked winter storm dumped record snow in the central and northeast parts of the country, forecasters say it's not over yet. another storm system is on the way hitting many of the same states that have suffer from damaging tornadoes and deadly snow fall. >> this is going to be a disruptive storm from the midwest toward the northeast. its going to be a colder storm than before and we are going to see quite a bit of flight delays and travel delays on the roadways on saturday. >> reporter: more snow, rain and gusty winds will snarl travel. if you are going by train, plane or mobile before new year's you may want to prepare for weather related delays. according to flight
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more than 600 domestic and international flights have been canceled today. meantime in new jersey residents devastated by sandy are now rushing to save their belongings from flooding caused by wednesday a storm. >> you say not again. >> pretty scary. we went through the previous storm and it was bad. i didn't expect in the one that quickly. >> reporter: in new york people were digging out trying to free their cars piles of the white stuff. roads were slick in maryland where snow and ice caused dozens of accidents. police are warning drivers to be careful and be on the look out for black ice. forecasters expect the next winter storm to hit the midwest by friday dropping about five inches of snow before heading here to the northeast by this weekend. abc news new york. >> a man is severely beaten on christmas night and now they are calling a hate crime. it happened near hoffman street and north milton.
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two days after the attack the victim spoke with brian about what happened. >> reporter: baltimore police are still investigating this case but for kenneth shaw and his mother it was an ugly and brutal hate crime. it was christmas night and kenneth shaw said he just ran down to the corner store for a few things. on his way back at the corner of rose and east hoffman he was coldcocked and beaten by a group of five men for ten to 12 minutes. >> my face swelled. i could feel it. it was like -- [inaudible] hitting me in the same spot. all i could hear was the crunching. >> reporter: he said the men kept hitting him in the face and only his face. this is a picture of him before, and after. beaten so badly his own mother didn't know it was him when he first walked into the emergency room. >> my son walked in and i
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didn't recognize him. i couldn't believe it. i couldn't believe that somebody beat my son for no reason. >> reporter: other tap the fact that he is gay. mother and son believe he was beaten because of that. they say some in the neighborhood have called him names before and point out how he wasn't robbed and almost beaten in his face only. intolerance he said nearly cost his life. >> so i think it was a hate crime because of my lifestyle and i didn't do anything. i didn't do anything. i don't even know these guys. >> reporter: so now he wants to move or at the least change when he leaves his house. not before he and his family take a stand. they are convinced kenneth was assaulted for being gay and will not cower until they see justice served. >> i think you have to get to
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anoint life that you just can't be afraid anymore. you know and this is our stand. this was my son. i know i will lay down my life for my son. >> reporter: now catching the suspects in this case may be a bit of a challenge. kenneth never got a good look you but his mother said she has confidence the city police department to solve the case. the police say the assault is still under investigation and have yet to call it a hate crime. >> now to the latest on your money for the senate majority leader predicted we would fall off the fiscal cliff next week. we bring you up to speed on the gridlock down in dc. >> reporter: it may already be to late. five-days before the fiscal cliff and with the house out of town until sunday, the senate majority lead admitted a deal seems unlikely. >> i have to be honest.
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i don't know time wise how it can happen now. >> reporter: and an attack he point blame on the house speaker for letting members stay home with no deal in sight. > we are here in washington working while the members of the house of representatives are out watching movies, watching the kids play soccer and basketball. he seems to care more about keeping his speaker ship than keeping the nation on firm financial footing. >> reporter: the speaker's office responded, the senator should talk less and legislate more. the house has already passed legislation to avoid the entire fiscal cliff. democrats have not. the president returned to washington today for a last minute push before leaving vacation in hawaii he had separate phone talks with congressional leaders but it's not clear that those talks helps. washington's failure to avoid the cliff threatens to undermine the recovery as
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americans face big tax hikes, adding to the mess the treasurey department is warning that the government will soon be unable to pay its bills. the house republican leaders say they will take action on whatever bill the senate can pass but the senate must act first. abc news washington. >> now for more on the fiscal cliff and what it could mean for your pay we have you covered. just head to the home page, slide show for a break down of what difference situations in washington could mean for your bank account. and we are working for you with only four days left in the year it's a good time to talk about the maryland homestead tax credit application deadline one more time. the credit is used to help off set increase in your state property taxes. that would happen if your home's assessed value jump but it's only supposed to go for primary residents. the state legislature passed a law to try to cut down homeowners getting the credit for properties they shouldn't have been getting credit for. for the past five-years
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maryland homeowner is have gotten at least two notices by mailing you know an application had to be [inaudible] for that credit. >> this five-year program that we have had we asked homeowners to file an application just to verify they are living in the property, it's not a rental, it's not a second home. husband and wife can have one, can't have two. we are eliminating some of the credits that shouldn't have been granted over the last 30 years basically. >> he said that out of one and a half million homeowners only a million have filed for it. you have until december 31st to get it done and we have a link to the state site where you can find if you still need to file one. click on this story in the feature story a yes section. for families hoping to adopt terrible news out of russia. what the president is planning that could leave 46 children
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with loving parents waiting on this waiting waiting side of the ocean in limbo. and why workers possibly going to strike. . >> and we continue to track a new storm system brewing down toward texas. how will it impact us? we will take a look at that at five.
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. now to a story that's left dozens families in limbo. the russian president prepares to ban united states adoptions of russian children can. once signed it would take effect on new year's day. it's crushing the hearts of so many families here. >> reporter: russia's president said thursday he plans to sign a controversial new law banning united states adoptions. that dashes the hopes and dreams of hundreds of americans trying to adopt russian
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children. many of them with special needs. russian officials said that even 46 cases which are close to being done will be frozen. those children will now be offered to russian families. american parents thought they would bring a child home soon are now left wonder figure they will see them again. >> it's a heart breaking process. we have started preparing our home, not remodeling or painting or buying furniture but just preparing the emotional state of our home and of ourselves and of our children who are -- for the change that is going to happen. >> reporter: the ban on adoptions is part of their revenge for a set of human rights sanctions passed by the united states congress and signed in to law earlier this movement russia is the third most popular country for americans to adopt. over 60,000 of them have happened since the fall of the soviet union but recently very have become a political football. officials point to the cases of 19 children who have died after being adopted by americans.
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the issue caught fire in 2010 when this boy was put on a plane alone by his adopted mother. the majority of russians support the ban but it's also sparked outrage among many who say this is playing politics with children. the griffins meanwhile are holding out for a miracle. >> you hope that it's not a door shut but just -- that it's just a hurdle, a delay, we simply don't know. >> reporter: abc news. >> and now, maryland's most accurate forecast. >> take a look at it. sunset comes early these days no question. current conditions now at the airport 37 degrees. winds are west at 16, been a gusty day with high wind advisories across the area. we continue to see the wind concerns out there though the wind advisory is now -- we are now below that.
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take a look at the day. tough to find much sun. cloudy for the most part. warm enough to melt off a lot of the leftover slush temperatures today. getting into the upper 30s to near 40 in parkville, annapolis, look at that shot, yeah. wild winds here in the state capitol, the view from the united states naval academy, a little bit of late day sun. here are the current winds, 15 to 20 and gusting higher. it's still going to be breezy if you have to put out the trash or the recycling, lash it down or maybe wait until just before bedtime before you put that outside. it'll blow around. wind chill factor already cold. feeling like the upper 20s across much of the area. that will be the case in just about all the central maryland area. partly cloudy skies, storm system up north. a clear friday around here and then as we continue to work through friday into saturday,
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here is what's going to happen. this weather maker coming in out of the south and final track still somewhat in question. right now we have a better handle on this rain, snow situation. snow edging in toward five saturday morning. snow over spreading most of maryland toward ten saturday and you can see the rain snow line basically at this point in time if this were to verify and it may shift fort north. we are talking easton, southeast ward, a rain situation. a mix of rain and snow southern maryland up through maybe kent island and it'll be all snow on the western shore. right now indication around a two to three inch burst, closer to one inch with rain and snow. then it all starts to taper off toward 2:00. the key window six to two on saturday, that is the timing. maybe a little bit of rain shower mixing in later in the day. more on that in a second. first look at the temperature set up tomorrow. we will warm up nicely.
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melting off any snow pack. any snow on the ground on saturday will be new snow but check this out. struggling to get out and above the freezing mark on saturday. looks like temperatures will be cold enough to make it mostly a snow event. the bay westward from easton northward. this area will be a little colder than it was the last two systems. then we take a look across the east coast. there is that first storm blowing out of the area, blastiery conditions, the story all day and a dust storm continues to blow out. storm number two in time for saturday. the ultimate track to be determined, it could shift further south. maybe a little more snow but maybe a little more rain mixing in. still questions here. we will see what happens, tonight 26, mostly cloudy with diminishing winds tomorrow, tomorrow 40 will be the two degree guarantee. tomorrow night again justin creasing clouds, snow moving in overnight into early saturday
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morning. then taking a look at the next few days, that winter saturday, especially along in west the chesapeake bay and then into sunday just windy with maybe a morning flurry and new year's eve looks like clear weather on tap. quiet conditions. again, you know will that be like the last two winter events in some differences. this looks colder, and it looks like the snow line will reach further south and east. that will be, south and east of annapolis really where you have more rain events and more of a snow event. north of there including all of baltimore. we will see what happens, maybe an inch to three. little more toward the state line up in pennsylvania. >> and western maryland. >> do always get it. this last one, eight to ten inches. >> thank you. >> in tonight's health alert, fewer americans are getting prevention cancer screening than just ten years ago. new research from the
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university of miami school of medicine shows screenings are down for all types of cancer but for colon. researchers believe some of it it's because of a disagreement over guidelines and a drop in insurance rates. the american cancer society shows more than a million people in the united states have cancer each year. and a new study shows one of the keys to keeping seniors healthy is keeping them moving. there was a thought that as you got older to prevent older people from falling by keeping them him mobile but this study shows that can cause depression and a poor quality of life. to avoid falls the study claims you should lower beds, add padding to the floor and use grippy socks. a military veteran held at gun point and it's caught on video. why police say that it started with a bumper sticker. and shoppers running for their lives. what happened inside this mall. . >> mostly gray day in places
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like annapolis. if you are just tuning in we will talk more about the saturday storm coming up.
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. drop the gun! drop the gun! . >> you can hear the police officer right there break this up with one man holding another man at gun point. the 62-year-old victim saw a bumper sticker on the gunman's truck. he said -- he said thing it said things about the president. he wanted to let the gunman know the sticker offended him. they got into an argument before it got bad. and police released surveillance video at a shooting down in south florida on christmas eve. it happened inside a flea
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market. you can see how quickly the store owner's daughter hit the ground. one man pointed the gun at her head. you can see a woman running for her life. this all took place in just 31 seconds. and check out this. a brawl at the mall. a night involving more than 20 kids. teens got out of control. even after police and security got involve they didn't stop. shoppers screamed and ran and took cover. >> we hid behind the jewelry counter at macy's and then i was finally like we need to get out of here. >> after it was over the mall reopened. it was hard for many to catch their breath. four were arrested for that. and three people broke into a new mexico wal-mart right on christmas morning. they stole $30,000 worth of stuff. they didn't just grab things, they picked out rifles, then went to the electronic section, they broke into locked drawers and took mp3 players, cameras
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and more. they filled three carts and took them out of the back of the store where a 4th person was waiting. workers are planning a possible strike that could affect people all up and down the east coast including right here in baltimore. we will tell you about that and turkey, ham, they are a great part of most holiday meals. they can also make you sick. what you need to know about christmas dinner leftovers before you open that fridge. and the mustang. how more and more children are getting down with downward facing dogs and are getting in on the yoga craze. . >> warrior one. got to get into it. check it out. clear tonight, the winds finally diminish and enjoy a nice friday because things change saturday.
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. a east baltimore man is beat then a christmas night attack. what he and his family believe is a hate crime. kenneth shaw believes he was targeted because he is gay. he said he was beat by a group of five men, hit in the face. police say the assault is still under investigation and they have yet to call it a hate crime. we are at five-days and counting until the country goes over the fiscal cliff. it appears there is no compromise in sight. the seven senate is back to negotiate but the house is out of town until sun. harry reid has said a deal seems unlikely. and a deadline is approaching on the homestead tax credit. homeowners have until december 31st to get in the application. it used to be applied automatically but to many ineligible people were getting credit. a law was passed requiring a one time application going into effect this year. follow us for a link to find if you need to apply.
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we saw a little bit of snow yesterday. a lot of snow but look at what pittsburgh is dealing. drivers struggling to get around on the snowy streets there and as you can see, visibility was pretty bad in some spots as well. they still -- they may still dig out of hines field on sunday before the steelers game. we are grad the clear skies are here now. wyatt is in the storm center with a look at your first forecast. >> before we get to saturday we have to deal with the wind president the wind advisory has finally been dropped. basically no warning up but we have high winds out of the northwest. 15 to 20, gusting to 36 top of the hour. still i gusty evening. if you have to put out the trash tonight going maybe wait until later. winds will keep dying down this evening. partly cloudy through the day. dry weather, in fact no precipitation in the area on maryland's most powerful radar. we are dry the rest of the evening but cloudy. things will star


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